This is an archive website. It is a snapshot of the All Hallows website from September 2024. This design of site was used from 2020-2024. It was developed and maintained by volunteers Matthew Jay, David Simmonds and Geoff Knappett using Wix.
The new website can be found at
All Hallows Whitchurch Hampshire
with St Mary, Tufton and St James the Less, Litchfield
All Hallows Church has a long, proud history of serving the community of Whitchurch. Through the dedication of our leadership, pastors and volunteers, we are committed to the teachings of Jesus Christ, and are here to spread His message. We are open to worshippers of all ages and backgrounds, and strive to lead all who worship with us towards a deeper love for God.
Climate change
The Parochial Church Council (PCC) for All Hallows has signed The Time Is Now declaration from the Climate Coalition, produced ahead of the COP26 UN climate conference being hosted by the UK Government in Glasgow later this year.
In signing it the PCC has committed itself to the following actions to help tackle climate change:
1. Educate ourselves as a congregation about the impact of climate change by organising discussions and talks and contributing to Sunday worship
2. Continue to work towards Eco-Church silver level
3. Create and share opportunities for congregation members to take action in support of climate change campaigns
4. Encourage congregation members to reduce their carbon footprint in whatever ways they can by sharing information and ideas
5. Set a target of 2030 for All Hallows, Whitchurch, to be carbon neutral
6. Make sure that as far as possible All Hallows, Whitchurch, is fully divested from fossil fuels
Click here (Declaration | The Time Is Now) to find out more.
Click here ( for the Whitchurch Christian Social Justice Group's Facebook page. The group are presently planning how to take these commitments forward.
Community Art
'dad could point to places he would like a line of masking tape to go'
'dad would independently fill the paper with pebble shapes'
We received this email from a local resident and felt we should share this wonderful story of hope in adversity to let everyone enjoy the art.
Subject: Website enquiry covid 19
Can you help ?
My mum died of covid 19 in April , my dad of 94 is
heartbroken but when we paint together he is absorbed.
He has advanced dementia.
I’m aware of others in the community who’ve had covid and are suffering long term effects
Can we please consider exhibiting art to give hope in this covid 19 context?
Thank you.
Karen Callow
Karen Callow shares her very personal Covid experience
Art during lockdown
My father, George Eric Callow was born in 1926 and was married for over 60 years to my mother Joan Evelyn Callow. They lived together in a bungalow they bought around 1959.
Very sadly my mother died of Covid19 in April this year.
Owing to my Dad's needs he now has a full time live in carer. In his younger years Dad worked as a draftsman but also loved to draw and was very talented.
Since memory problems and failing sight set in, he can no longer remember how to draw, so I began collaborative art work with him. First the two of us and then my daughter, Francesca, joined in. I began by focusing not on what Dad couldn’t do but what he could do. He can make choices between two options e.g. do you want to draw straight or curved lines? He is able to draw circles, balls of wool and take a line for a walk (doodle) . We began with felt pens, moving onto water colours, oil pastels and then acrylics. I found dad could point to places he would like a line of masking tape to go, so we divided up a canvas like a jigsaw.
Dad had definite ideas about colours with a-preference for bold colours but not liking green. He could fill taped sections and given a choice of two colours select paints. Yes he needs reminding to put his brush in the paint frequently but no more than gentle prompts.
After painting together I even found dad would independently fill the paper with pebble shapes using oil pastels or repeat the letters in his and my name. These were innovations of his own.
Once acrylic paint dried we added gold lines and squiggles, to bring the painting to life and add detail. A session of painting can last 3 hours! Dad is a bit concerned it doesn’t look commercial, even though it’s not the point I beg to differ.
I’ve heard people comparing Covid to war time experiences. Dad was in the merchant navy during the Second World War and my mother an evacuee. However I concluded the difficulty very much equates to which loved ones you lose. Despite war time being tough I feel Dad has found losing his wife to covid harder. I’m just glad, that in some small way, we find painting together is an absorbing activity that we can share with a colourful end product. It is a temporary reprieve from that sense of loss.
Dad will be proud to know others might be interested in his art work and I hope recognise it as a thing of beauty. Thank you for reading this, his daughter Karen Callow.
Sadly my Father died in October 2020 , though one of our last conversations was about our shared artwork and the website article . One day I would be so proud to exhibit our shared art work .
George Callow
'I began collaborative art work with him. '
'First the two of us and then my daughter, Francesca, joined in.'